Monday, January 17, 2011

Beautiful Mind

Maladaptive- In the movie he should this a lot he didnt try to make friends he only cared about school.He would sit in his room and figure out problems.He didnt like teaching and when he did hang out with friends he wouldnt talk very much.He was very shy and uncomfortable around other people.

Unjustifiable-In the movie he would do a lot of things for no reasons like he put the baby in the bath tub and left it without really thinking about his condition.He wrote things on glass for no reason also.He beat up his imaginary friend for no reason in the beginning.

Disturbing- When he put his child in the bath tub and almost killed him also when he though the imaginary guy was going to shoot his wife he pushed he and the child without thinking about the childs saftey i also thought it was disturbing that he would put all those pictures and things on the walls.

Atypical- He did a lot of strange things in the movie because of his condition. He would follow around birds and imagine those people trying to kill him and he thought there were actual random men in his garage just hiding out.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

little albert questions(3)

#1-i think at the time it did because people didnt really ask questions about what happened.They saw that the baby had fear so thats all they really focused on. They all just though that the baby was scared of the fur.
#2- albert became fearful because of the furry rabit but not really the rabit really the loud noise then became fearful of furry things.
#3-they paired the fearest object with nicer or better things.witch overcame it.

The Lobotomist

I think that Walter Freeman is really wierd but yet he was a good doctor because he studied the brain a lot and made sure that the information was legit.People looked and judged him like he was a freak but truth is that he just looked at things in a different way and when he studied women to see how psychological arouses them.lobotomy was considered a good treatmen to behavioral issues. Some people didnt agree with the icepick but he needed to do what he had to for his study. As it seems like he was wierd,scary or just different he did what he had to do so that he could have rewarding information and proof back.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bullying,harasment and the need to belong

Watching the vidoes and talking to cops and mr.v really didnt change anything because i was made fun of when i was younger so ive always known what it was like to be picked on and my whole life ive been trying to belong in some sort  of group and about 2 years ago i noticed that i just needed to be myself and now today i hang out with the people that are most like me and have a lot of common with but i think the video might have helped the people that have never got picked on realize how hard it is.When your still finding out who you are your getting picked on for trying new things or being diffrent.There are a lot of different types of bullying i dont agree with actually picking on people for who they are but just joking around with your friends are not bullying unless they dont know that your joking so theres a big difference. So to make this school a better place for everyone is to treat everyone the same and if your making fun of someone and your joking make sure they know this.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content

ex boyfriend,i had a dream that me and my ex were still together and we were really happy.-still have feeling for him,feeling and your are missing in your previous situation.

had a dream about my old bestfriend that i hate right now and i was in a bad situation and she tried helping me-be at end with  the tension in that relationship.

grandma happened 4 times,she was still alive and that she was hiding from everyone at a cabin up north because she was scared of my grandpa.-regressing to childhood memories also indicatied affection,comfor,intelligance and saftey.witch i think is right because in the dream we did a lot of things that i used to do with my grandma.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Role playing reactions and Stanford Prison Study

In the prison a lot of bad things happened.People got see cruel and hurt by everything.I think the person that mostly changed was the gaurd with blond hair he turned really mean. The prisoners would not listen so he forced them by making them to push ups and other exercises searching there robes and making them go into the small closet was the biggest punishment.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder-Twilight Zone reactions

In a world were beauty is confused. There's a women that goes under surgery's that don't work. Everyone around her despises what she looks like.But in the end the real beautiful one is her and her kind.The people that were trying to make her different were the ugly people.Beauty is in the eye the beholder. This video caught me way of guard. I never thought that she would be the pretty one.When they were taking off the wrapping on here face. I though she was going to be discusting but really she was pretty.This really messed with the mind, big twist.