Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content

ex boyfriend,i had a dream that me and my ex were still together and we were really happy.-still have feeling for him,feeling and your are missing in your previous situation.

had a dream about my old bestfriend that i hate right now and i was in a bad situation and she tried helping me-be at end with  the tension in that relationship.

grandma happened 4 times,she was still alive and that she was hiding from everyone at a cabin up north because she was scared of my grandpa.-regressing to childhood memories also indicatied affection,comfor,intelligance and saftey.witch i think is right because in the dream we did a lot of things that i used to do with my grandma.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Role playing reactions and Stanford Prison Study

In the prison a lot of bad things happened.People got see cruel and hurt by everything.I think the person that mostly changed was the gaurd with blond hair he turned really mean. The prisoners would not listen so he forced them by making them to push ups and other exercises searching there robes and making them go into the small closet was the biggest punishment.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder-Twilight Zone reactions

In a world were beauty is confused. There's a women that goes under surgery's that don't work. Everyone around her despises what she looks like.But in the end the real beautiful one is her and her kind.The people that were trying to make her different were the ugly people.Beauty is in the eye the beholder. This video caught me way of guard. I never thought that she would be the pretty one.When they were taking off the wrapping on here face. I though she was going to be discusting but really she was pretty.This really messed with the mind, big twist.

Rorschach inkblot and meaning

in my ink blot i see a dog on the bottom and i see
a skull on top with an x on the bottom 

Monday, September 27, 2010

chris brown related to psych

So I’m relating Chris brown to psychology because him hurting Rihanna out of no were is really surprising to me and I think there could have been a couple of reason's why he would do this. So one of the possible things is disrespect witch Is Rihanna either calling him names, not acting as he Is Important, threatening to leave him, using insulting language .Another one were it would be his fault is if he was jealous of rihanna's man fans or just having close guys friends would get him jealous witch he couldn’t stand. And she felt she had those certain boundaries so they fought about that. Or im also thinking another thing witch is when he’s holding in resentment from his past were he’s hurt, or has anger in his heart and he didn’t know who else to blame it besides her because sometimes you do hurt the person you love. Another one is lying of broken promises witch basically gives him more to be angry with.

Brianna Rocks! All about me...yo


Introducing me!!
The names Brianna lee Spatz. I am 16 my birthday is august 3rd.I work at Festival Foods. The most important thing to me in life is my family and my friends. They help me through everything. I used to be in a lot of sports when I was younger such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, but the one I was most serious about was dancing. All different kinds of dancing like tap, jazz, ballet and pomes. I did dance for 7 years but I quit when I was in 8th grade. What I like to do for fun is hang with friends, skate, dance, and just be outdoors. I get mad easily when people are rude and selfish. For people to respect you, you have to respect them also. When I am done with high school. I’m going to be really scared but excited for my future. I want to become a nurse of a councilor of some sort. I really just want to help people with real life issues. I’m not sure exactly but ill know before high school is done for me.